The Dictionary of Nonsense is an attempt to occupy time to think through the idea of ‘nonsense’. Breaking into a sense of freedom by exhibiting and engaging with nonsense, as an idea, explored linguistically, socially, politically and visually in a playful manner, to invoke humour and contemplation within the everyday.
This has been an ongoing project that has expanded on the notion of building a dictionary of nonsense. This process has culminated towards archiving the various expressions, interpretation and hidden politics of nonsensical ideas, acts and aggressions. It is a celebration, a festival of nonsense.
As an exercise each letter of the word NONSENSE has been expanded with words that act as the trigger for further exploring the idea of sense and nonsense. The engagement to the word is sometimes a direct response to the meaning, sometimes a counter reaction and sometimes attempting to make absurd connections. These eight words have been carefully selected to present direct, hidden meanings and as points of departure.
The words set the various tones and dimensions to different acts and engagements that shape this site of interaction. We invite you to further expand on the meanings and non-meanings of these words. Also to build on the social and political conversations that emerges. The attempt will rest on investigating how we get offended, our lack of tolerance for each other and to find new ways to reconnect our lives.